Governor Suzanna Etheridge Rawlins
First Lieutenant Governor Jane Routt Power
Second Lieutenant Governor Karen Lynne Pogoloff
Third Lieutenant Governor James William ("Bill") Griffith, Jr.
(for Europe) David William Medeiros
Fourth Lieutenant Governor Robin Redfearn Townes
Chaplain Paul Ashley Waldron
Recording Scribe Constance Brooks Paradiso
Corresponding Scribe **Vacant**
Keeper of the Purse Julia Palmer Hesler
Chancellor Deborah Ann Whitmore Hicks, Esq.
Marshal Steven Harry Steinberg
Historian **Vacant**
Parliamentarian Shelby Dean Ward
Genealogist Alexander Bannerman
Webmaster Suzanna Etheridge Rawlins
Councilors Stephen Amandus Arter
Patricia Ann Scott Garner
David Wade Morton, Ed. D
Sandra Staley
Shelby Dean Ward
Patroness Sharon Kaufelt Stine
Inaugural Governor Retired James Edward Conway
Founding Governor Retired Carla Whitehurst Odom
Founding Governor Retired Lila Burner Housden
Statue of El Cid by
Anna Hyatt Huntington in Balboa Park,
California, erected in 1930.